lunes, 2 de abril de 2012

Saturday March 31, 2012 & Sunday April 01, 2012 ( last days of the trip)

Saturday March 31, 2012
Well today we woke up really early in the morning because we needed to be early in Canton Atlanta. This day was more of traveling than visiting places. We woke up at 6:00am. When we woke up we saw that Nohemy and David were already wake up and they had for us coffee and orange juice. I think that this family is amazing and one of the most unified families that I had seen. That is the reason why I think that God had blessed them in their life. After saying good bye we hit the road toward Canton, Georgia. On the way to Atlanta we try to stop to take breakfast. The first restaurant didn't have enough options for eating. We were so hungry so we stopped on the second restaurant that we saw. The restaurant where we stopped wa Waffle House. Everyone ate an allstar breakfast and I just ate a waffle with a cup of orange juice Because I wasn't hungry. Yhis norning was really wet. There was a lot of rain in all road and we saw some swamps at the sides of the roads.

Then we passed over the huge river of Mobile river. At that moment we were leaving Alabama Completely.
 Then we keep traveling for a long long time until we started to arriving to Georgia.

 We knew that we were at Atlanta because we started to see a lot of big buildings. We also saw a lot of anounces and information in the interstates. In the night we went to bouth some things for us loke some t-shirts and othr clothes. We went to Target, Dicks and Book miilion.

Then we arived to Canton, Atlanta that is ubicated in the north part of Atlanta. There we already had our hotel reserved. We put all our stuff in the rooms were we are going to stay fot tonight. Then we wet to some stores to see what we can buy to take it to Honduras. Thank you for reading my blog today. Good bless you, Hope to write soon. have a good night.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Today we woke up some kind of early. We woke up at 6:00am because today we were goin to Six Flags. First we too our breakfast and then we went to a gas station to clean the car with a machine that cleans car for low prices, our prices was of 25 minutes. The machine just lasted 3 minutes per dollar so we did one each one of us. then we followed the road until we arrived to Six Flags over Georgia. We saved 20$ of ticket because a friend helped us to buy them online so we could save 20$. this is the link that you can use to learn more about this place because for me it is a really really good place to get fun with family and friends.

When we arrived there I was really confused of what I felt in that moment but what I knew is that was good feelings. When we have our first ride on a roller acoster I felt really strange at the moment thet we were there. I couldn't scream because of the pressure that we had on our body but it was really fun.

After that we went to our second roller acoster. It was similar as the last one but the only thing was that is had more pressure  over us so we felt a littlebi diferent than the first time.
We also played a game of little cards and then we saw the Batimobil.
Then we continued visiting more roller acoster and then I went with Marcos to a Game in a falls where we got very wet. The problem was that we didn'thave more clothes bur with the time that we spend there it got dry.
we had a really good time here in Six Flags over Georgia.
Then we went to the most famous pizza restaurant over Canton. We had a pizza for each one of us but at the end we couldn'tate it all. This is the best pizza that I had ate in all my life. We got a box so we took the remaining pizza to the hotel.

After the dinner we went to a walmart where we bought a lot of things and in special a lot of t-shirts and many more clothes. This was the last day of our trip in US so we thank God for the blessings he gave us in averytime and everypart where we were.
 Thank you for all. Have a good night. God bless you !!

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