sábado, 31 de marzo de 2012

Alabama March 30,2012

Friday March 30, 2012

Today we woke up at 7:30am. The first thing that we did was to pray to God for all the blessings and the protections that he gives to each one of us by giving us life, food, health and all the things that we need to survive. After praying we started taking breakfast. Today we got an American breakfast that contains eggs, bacon, hash browns and a cup of orange juice. We also ate a banana.

After Breakfast we ‘hit the road’. This phrase I had learned during the trip. Is not a common phrase but I like it. Then we hit the road toward Faith Academic High school. When we arrived to the high school we met with the pastor that received us yesterday. Then we entered to the High School and met the Elementary Director that was a woman that had spent more than 30 years in the high school. She explained us how the school works in the academic and the social part. We could see that this high school is similar as our school because both have the same structure in the rules that they have and how they develop and organize the grades in different parts. Then we went around the high school buildings. We went to see how some classes developed. We also visited the admission center and the music room where we saw a lot of instruments that the high school uses for their symphony and other musical groups.

 After visiting the school buildings we left the high school and started traveling through the beach. We spent almost 1 ½ hours looking the beach. We were so happy and glad of going to the beach.

On the way to the beach we passed on a big tunnel that is below the road closer to the beach and the sea.
We also saw some big machines that are used to move big containers that the big ships transport. Then we saw a big ship of the Marina that has some big guns under it and that is used to transport ate a huge amount of people.

Then we arrived to the beach in a beautiful town of Mobile, Alabama. The name of the town is Daphne. We spent around 3 hours getting fun in the beach. We played with a American football ball that we bought in a yard sale on the way to Alabama. Well a really enjoyed being in this beach, we saw a lot of birds as toy can see in these pictures.

After a time we stopped and then we hit the road to return to hour visiting home. On the way of returning we stopped to take lunch in a restaurant around 4:30pm. I was really hungry but I forget that while we were I the beach. After eating we continued traveling but then we stopped in some stores to see what we can found to buy. I bought 2 shirts and some silly bands for my cousins In Honduras. After visiting all these stores we continued traveling until we arrive here in Nohemy’s home where we are going to spend the night. Well this day I want to talk about this beautiful family that we met and they are the Lawns family. I can say that Nohemy is a good person and that she is a great example of a good Honduran. Mr. David is a great person as his wife and a like the form in that they live because they live together and make things together. This family has a well relationship with God and they Taught us about Jesus and the purposes that he haves for us.
This was a good day. Everything that happened today was with a purpose and that purpose is God. Thank you for reading my blog. God bless you. Good night. Hope to write as soon as possible.

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