domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012

Virginia and Ohio Valley University part 2

Yesterday before of going to bed Caleb  gave us a little tour over the college campus and there we met some students who knows a little bit about spanish , thy were very nice with us and really respectful people.
Today we wake up and we were in Calebs dormitory. We discovered that the alarm didnt function well and that made us to be late in the morning. We needed to be in the hall at 8:00am and we woke up until 7:50am so we couldnt get a shower.
After we get ready for leaving we went to the hall with Caleb. Then we met Mr Makoto who took us to Mc Donalds so we could eat our breakfast there and enjoy a meal with him and Caleb. It was a nice breakfast.I didnt ate all the breakfast because I wasnt hungry and i was Nervous and excited beacause I was going to see my family.
Then of taking breakfast we went to take a bible class with caleb. There we met new friends and we talked a lot about the bible and God. Then at 10:00am Dr. Troy told us to leave and then I was really excited Because I was going to met with my family that I hadnt seen then for more than 6 years. After the church we returned to the college entrance were my family was waiting us. When I sae them I gave them a lot of hugs. My family talked with Dr. Troy and yold him That he is a really admirable person because he hepls people to make some dreams real.

Then we went to a restaurant for taking a lunch. We went to a japanese restaurant where we ate all together and we saw an spectacule from the chef infront of us in the middle of the table.
We got a really good lunch bacuse we were joking and laughing a lot. I was  so happy because it was a really special moment for me. Then my family gave me some things as a present for all tha years that we dindt see us. Then we said to everyone else goodbye bacause we needed to leave and continue traveling. Before leaving I gave to each of my family member a hug and said them that I love them and then we took some pictures.
Then we get into the road and started traveling until we arrived to Kentucky and we stopped in some rest areas so we could be not some much tired.
On the way to Kentucky we saw many things like a train bridge and a car rent store and some other beautiful places.

Then we saw an elk That Was dead in the middle of a little mountain. In The afternoon We arrived to a hotel here in kentucky where we are going to sleep this night. This evening We washed all our clothes and the we went to ate dinner into a new restaurant. Well Tomorrow will be a new day so good night. I hope to be writing tomorrow and see what happens.
Good Night, God bless You.

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