lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012

Kentucky and Asbury University, march 19, 2012

Today we woke up early so we could continue traveling. During breakfast  Dr. Troy thaught us how to preparate a good braekfast in a place where there is just a few things for breakfast. It was really good and we enjoyed it. Later we stared our treveling but before continuing we went to change the car. We changed a dogde charger for a Jeep.
Then our travel continued from 8:00am to 10:30am. Today it was my copilot job another time. The only problem was that we got lost for 30 minutes but at the end we returned to the right road.
During the travel we were talking and making some jokes. We saw some farms of horses and other animals and plants. We had I safety travel during that time until we could arrive to Kentucky.
Then of 3 hours of traveling, We finally arrived to wilmore kentucky and to asbury College. I saw how beautiful this place is.
When we arrived to the university we went to the admission building. Then we filled up a an enrollment to see if we apply or not for these univesirty. After that we took a tour over the university by an student . we saw a lot of amazing places like the technological center and their church.and then went to get lunch. We ate a Lot while we were in the cafeteria. I ate 3 pieces of pizza, 2 cups of cocacola and some chips and fish.

After we end taking dinner we went and met Casey Malone who is en charge of international students admissions. We had a conference were we talked about the opporutnities that we could have if we study there and the majors  that we probably would like to study.
Then we went outside and met some students andd talk with them about the university. The college had an special day so we make some activities outside in the campus.
Then we took Dinner outside the cafeteria and we met new friends including one native from argentina. Then we met the students with whom we are going to sleep and have some funny moments. Jorge and I are sleeping in the vice presidents sons dormitory. we enjoyed a lot with them.
right now is late right here in students dorms so I will going to stop for today an dhope God let us conyinue tomorrow.
Good Night . God Bless You.

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