domingo, 25 de marzo de 2012

Missouri Western State University. March 25, 2012

Today we woke up late because it was a relax day here in the university. We woke at 90:45 am so we had a good time sleeping. Then we met Dr. Troy and took us to church. When we arrived to the church we met Mr. Josh Hemberton's father, and he is a good person and gave us a well welcome. Then we entered to the church and the meeting started. There was some songs and prays. Then David Dolan come upstairs and started talking us about God and some stories and experiences the people have in other parts of the world like as in Africa. After the meeting we bought 2 boos written by David Dolan. We signed our books and we took a picture of us with him. David Dolan is a person who has acquired a lot of knowledge about Jesus, Bible and the life.

After the church we went to pizza hut with a pastor of the church and his family. We really enjoyed the lunch and I ate a lot of pizza and drank a lot of pepsi. Darrel Jones the pastor of the church is a really nice person so I think that Good bless him everyday in his life. After lunch we returned to the campus of missouri western state university. We went to the dormitories to make some jokes and to laugh for a while.

Then we went with jamil and his friends to a park close to the university. We saw a pond with lot of ducks and some other animals. we laugh a lot of what we did in this park. Then we went to Sonic a restaurant close of where we were. I ordered a ice cream and I was the last one who received my Ice cream because I wait for it like 25 minutes; Because of the long time that i wait for my Ice cream, I received 2 tickets that gave me 2 free drink. That make me think that it wasn't lost time so I felt good.

Then we returned to the dorms. We didn't done much thing for today but I really enjoyed because we just did few things but they were really good activities.
So thank you for reading my blogs. Good night. God bless you .!!!

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