lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

John Brown University & george Washington state Park

Today we woke up really early in the morning because we needed to travel for a long time. We woke at 5:50am and  Dr Troy was waiting us in the entrance of the hall were we slept. The we keep traveling through Arkansas. During the travel we stopped at a national park "George washington Carver National park". We saw a lot of amazing pictures and monuments about him and the history in which he lived.
This is the house where he lived for a large part of his life.

This is one of the first dresses that were used over the George Washington Life time-period.

This is the bedroom that George Washington used for sleeping over most part of his life until he died.

This picture shows the activities that george Washington done during his resting times.

Then we left the park and continued traveling, it took for us like 5 hours to arrive to JohnBrown University. When we arrived there we saw a parking that was available just for us.

 Then we entered to to the admission center we met the admission conselour and many more people. then we took a tour over all the campus and some students.

We visited the students hall. the technological hall, the science laboratory, the sports room and the classes of the university. Then we met our room-mates, I can say that they are really good persons and friends. I hope to met then another time.Then We went to take dinner and I ate a lot of pizza again.  I had ate so much pizza that I dont want to see them more time in my meals.
Thank you. Good Night. God bless you. Hope to write soon.

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