sábado, 31 de marzo de 2012

Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama Wednesday & Thursday March 28-29, 2012 traveling days

Wednesday March 28, 2012 Traveling Day

Today in the morning we woke up at Ms. Kathy’s home. When we woke up we cleaned and set up everything in order.  After finishing all the setup we went to take breakfast. We ate Honduran breakfast, it was beans, eggs and bacon and with a cup of coffee.  After Breakfast we went to see Mr. Bob work. Mr. Bob is working in bees’ production by making bees homes in form of square. The Square home is divided in different sections in which there is one room where the bee reproduces and create more of they own life. There is another room where the bees can take sugared water instead of pollen. Then there are some other rooms just in case that the bee increases the amount of bees in one home.  Mr. Bob showed to us how to make bees homes and what materials to use because it is a good form of earning more money as a job.  Mr. Bob is working with Ozark Cedar Hives as a company for creating more life in the bees and more production of honey and other materials as the bees’ houses. This is the web page at where you can check it to have more information about it. www.ozarkcedarhives.com         

After looking at Mr. Bob’s job we said goodbye to Ms. Cathy and Mr. Bob. Ms. Cathy gave us some fruits and a present for each mother of all of us. Then we continued traveling toward Alabama. Today it was my turn as the copilot of the car. At the start I was really confused and we lost 2 hours of travel because we were lost for some time. Then we stopped at a building and I asked how we could get the right direction through Alabama. The woman who helped say that we were in the wrong direction and that we need to take other interstate to get the right way. Then we discovered that the map that we were using as our help was taking us in the wrong ways all the last days and including today. Then we continued until we found the right way so we continued on that way for a long time. Then of 2 hours we stopped in a kayak rent to see if we rent one to go to the river but we saw that we didn’t have enough time to stay there so we continued traveling by Missouri on the way to Mississippi.

 We saw more natural places while we were traveling. After a long time we stopped in a restaurant to eat and it was fast food. After eating we travel until arriving to the Mississippi and Arkansas frontier. The Mississippi river is the object that is dividing these two states. We cross from the west of the Mississippi to the east of the Mississippi.We passed through a big bridge in the Mississippi river to cross to Greenville, Mississippi. We are going to spend the night in a hotel here in Greenville.

 At dinner we went to a restaurant close to the hotel and I ate a double sandwich and the others ate different things. Right now we are getting prepared to go to bed so good night.

Thursday march 29, 2012 traveling day through Alabama.

Today we woke up at 8:00am. The first thing that we done this day was to take breakfast.  Today I just ate a Waffle and a cup of coffee. After taking breakfast we left the hotel and continued traveling through Alabama. On the way we saw many interesting things. One of that things was a garage sale were I bought an American football ball that cost me just 3$. Then we continued traveling and then for surprise we saw a signal of Mississippi College that was expecting us but that wasn’t in our plans. We took the decision so we went to travel Mississippi College; we spent a short time in this college but what we could see it was really nice and also a very old historic college.

 In this college we saw a ball in form of Earth that weight 5000 pounds and it was just being moved by water. We took some pictures from this college and we had a meeting with the international admissions counselor. We taught about the college and the programs that they offer for students.

Then we left the college after a time of 40 minutes and continued traveling through Mobile, Alabama. In the way to Alabama we stopped to eat in ‘All you can it for 10$.’ I think that these are one of the best restaurants in which I had been. I ate eggs, shrimp and some kind of natural chips. I got really full so I couldn’t eat anymore as my Classmates; we also eat some kinds of cakes made of lemon, cheese cake and many others.

 Then we continued traveling until we arrived to Mobile, Alabama and met the high school counselor. The high school is really beautiful and it has nice people so we felt very good. We saw the school soccer team practicing and we taught with the coach and told us that maybe in a future his team may visit Honduras in a missionary trip and play with us for some days. Then we continued until we arrived to Mobile. In Mobile we met the high school vice counselor.

 This night we are going to sleep in a Honduran women’s home who is friend of one of our teachers. She welcomed really good to us. Well right now it is late so I will stop right here. Nohemy is the Honduran with that allowed us to stay in his home these two days while we are in Alabama. Nohemy married David Lawson and they have a son. Their son has the same name as me ‘Erick’. They also told me that I remind them to a boy that they met in Guatemala and that is similar to me. I think this is a beauty family and God blessed us by permitting us to stay in the Lawson Home. This was a really good day.

Thank you for reading my blog. God bless you. Good night.

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