miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

John Brown University part 2, College of Ozarks & Visit to Ms Cathy Owen. March 27,2012

I feel that this was the best day of the entire trip.
In the morning we woke up in John Brown University. Then of taking a shower we went to the dinning center to take breakfast. Today I didn’t eat hot-cakes or something similar. What I ate was eggs and bacon with a cup of orange juice. After Breakfast Marcos and Ezri went to take an engineering class while Jorge and I received a business class. In the business class I learned a lot as how to make a good curriculum when a person is looking for a job. I met a student from Nicaragua and another girl from El Salvador. This was a really nice class because I had the experience of the receiving a class business in which I want to major. The professor and the students were really nice with us and let us to present ourselves to everyone. After the class we went to the chapel of the university to sing and to earn more knowledge about Jesus and Life. In the Chapel we met Maxie B. Burch the person who talked to us in the Chapel and a professor from the college. I felt very good taking my first business class and Chapel in The University.

After the Chapel we met one of Dr. Troy’s friends in this university who gave us some cookies that his wife and he made for us. Then we left the University to travel Through College of Ozarks that is near to GBU. During the way through College of Ozarks we stopped in a pottery store where we met an artist in making pottery. He gave us a piece of his potteries and showed to us how he makes the beautiful designs of pottery that he does. The name of the pottery store is “Osage Clay Works”. The person who received us there was a really good person. Then we continued traveling Through College of Ozarks.

Later we arrived to college of Ozarks where we take a tour over the campus and some of the buildings in it. We make an application to this college to see if there is any opportunity for studying here. Then The girl who received us there gave us backpack and a shirt from the college. This is a beautiful college.

"Missouri designated the white hawthorn blossom as the official state flower in 1923. Hawthorn, a woody plant that can reach 20 feet in height, belongs to the rose family (similar to plants like rose, apple and spirea). The tiny apple-like fruit (pomes) of the hawthorn is collected to make jam and also provides food for birds and small mammals." http://www.statesymbolsusa.org/Missouri/flower_hawthorn.html .
We saw Missouri's state flower. It is really pretty and was in ms. Cathy's home.

We also saw the Missouri's state bird but just in picture.

After visiting this college we went to Ms. Cathy’s House and met her and her husband Mr. Bob. I was so happy to see her for another time. Then Of some minutes that we arrived we went to the lake to take a ride in a little boat and swim until the middle of where we were in the lake. The water was so cold but it was so good. I really enjoyed being there I was so happy of being in Ms. Cathy’s home because it is so beautiful. After the ride we went to his house. Then we take our dinner. I was so happy because it was my first home food here in U.S and it was so delicious and the cake that she gave us too. It was really nice because I ate Tortillas and I missed the tortillas a lot. After dinner we played a game of cards with Ms. Cathy, Mr. Bob. Dr Troy, Jorge, Ezri, Marcos and I. It was a good and interesting game. I really enjoyed it. I really like Ms. Cathy’s home. This was fun, interesting and the best day of the entire trip.

This was everything for today. Thank you for reading my Blog. God Bless you. Good Night. Hope to write soon in the Blog.

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