jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

Toccoa Falls college 15/03/2012

Today I woke up at 7:00 am hour of United States. The first thing that I made was to take a short bath. After The bath, Dr. Troy, Marcos, Ezri, Jorge and I went to the admission office where we took our breakfast. We ate Donnas, bread and drank orange juice and coffee. Then we met an agent of the college and started talking about majors, sports, and things that we could study.
Then we met Emily, our tour guide and who is in charge of the admissions in the college. Then our tour in the college started. We visited the cafeteria, the theater, sciences rooms, business room,
 the athletic field,
 the GYM,

 the pond and the largest fall that they have there that is about 186 feets tall.

 We also saw a picture of the college funder.
Then we returned to get our lunch and eat. After we ate we met 2 students from the college and both of them were female students. We talked a while of the college, why they were there and what they are studying.
Then we had the last conference at the college where we received tshirts. Pencils, folders and we filled up a admission ticket. Then we gave thanks for all the attention that we received on that place.  Later we started our trip another time.

Good night

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