martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

Ohio and Ohio Christian University. March 20,2012

Today we woke up and took a quick shower. Then we went to eat breakfast at the cafeteria. Later we went to take our first class in a US  collegeand it was in Asbury University.We went with our new friends and really enjoyed the class.

After the class we left the university. We went to visit 2 good friends of  Dr. Troy and met them. Later we went to see one of the oldest and biggest railroad bridge in all the United States. It was so beautiful and we had the aportunity of watching a train crossing it and to take some pictures.

Then our travel conitune so we went through Ohio that was our nexy point. We got Lost like for 2 hours and then took us like 4 more hours so we colud arrive to Ohio. While we were in the road we stoppped in a store and bought some things for us. I bought sweater and shirt. In this travel we saw a big beautiful city of Ohio.
Then we continued until we arrived to Ohio Christian University where we met the coach and some members of the team. We had the opportunity Of Having a time to play with them. We played like for 1 hour and a half. The coach told us that we are good soccerplayers.Then we went to take dinner. We ate a lot of things including Waffles. We met a lot of friends in this college and they are really nice people and let us to have a good time with them in their dormitories and many places of the campus. Now we are in thier rooms trying to enjoy with them.They showed us their dormitories and let us met more and more friends. Then we went to a conference with thw coach and he said us that it was a good opportunity for ud to enroll that college and play soccer in the colleges team. We also met a Mexican boy who was really nice with us.
Good night. Hope to write soon. God bless you.

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