domingo, 25 de marzo de 2012

Mark Twain State Park and Missouri Western State University. March 24, 2012

today in the morning we woke up early so we could ate our breakfast. It was to difficult for us to take breakfast at the hotel because there was a large amount of people in the room. We needed to wait for breakfast like for 30 minutes. After we could take our breakfast we get on the road so we could continue traveling through Missouri. During the travel we try to find an information center and while we were looking for it we saw a big amount of birds houses in the middle of the road.
Then we continued the travel and while we were traveling, we found a beautiful park crossing the Mississippi river. the name of the park is "Mark Twain State Park". This is the place where Mark Twain was born. We could see the house that he used to live during his long life.  Mark Twain was one of the greatest authors over this region of the United states. This part of the country has a lot of history about the Mississippi river and Mark twain.

It was a really beautiful State park.
Then we continued the travel and we saw some interesting things. Not that much of thing but some that really we impressing or interesting.

 The of traveling some hours we arrived to Missouri and we started to see more buildings a more cars and people.
Then in a few minutes we arrived to Missouri Western State University where Jamil and Javier are studying. Jamil and Javier are 2 boy that graduated from my high-school last year so they came to study in a U.S. college. We also met some of their friends in the college.

After that we met Dr. Jimmy albright. He is a teacher from this university that hat gave us an archaeology class as an AP class. I was so excited because I was going to one of my favorites proffesor. Then we went to take dinner with him in a Mexican restaurant. I gave him some presents so he could reminds us. Dr. Jimmy gave us a piece of pottery to each one of us. The piece of pottery is 2000 years old from rome. Dr. Jimmy is a nice teacher and professor.

After we returned from the restaurant we met Jamil and Javier's friends. Jamil took us to take a tour around the university and then we went to the cinema to see a movie. Now we are in Jamil's dorm having fun we everybody.
This was everything for today. Thank you. Good night. God Bless You.

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