miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

Ohio Christian University part 2 and Indiana, March 21, 2012

Today in the morning we woke up late because the alarm that we select didnt function in the morning so there was no more time to take a good shower. But we got preparated anyway. Then a student of the college took us to the cafeteria so we could ate our breakfast. I ate milk with cereal ans waffles. After taking breakfast we went to the admission office where we met a employer of the admission process.
We were talking about the admission process and some important things about the college as the majors that they have and much about how we can get enroll in the college. Then we took a tour over the campus. We visited the basketball field, the hall rooms, the dormitories, the administration building,The GYM and some classes.

Then we went to a class a received a class of disaster control by a professor and his wife.It was an interesting class because it whowed us how many problems of racism, violations and forced jobs were the the cause of the effect of violations and assesination taking over countries. We learn a lot about helping people and to encourage them to do the right that jesus says and always have a respectful job that everyones need.
Then we went to eat our lunch at the cafeteria. I ate another time pizza, chips and coca cola. I was full so I didnt have space for another thing as maybe some ice cream. I met Ms. Kathy Owen daughter that is working over OCU campus as a teacher.Then we said goodbye to all our new friends and they said they hope see us un fall 2013. Then we finished our tour over the campus si we visited the library, The chapel and some other buildings.

Then we met the finances administrator of the college. He talked us about the ways the university could help us in financial aid and we received some t-shirts. Then we left the college and start traveling through Indiana.We went to the airport and changed the car for third time, now we are using a mini Van. We saw some nice trucks and some cool buildings during the travel.

Then we stopped and now we are in a hotel trying to take a break soo we can be ready to continue tomorrow. We had dinner 1 hour ago in a restaurant near to the hotel.
Good Night. God bless you.

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