sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012

Virginia and Ohio Valley university

Yesterday we went to a hotel to spent the night because the visit to northern wesleyan university was canceled because of time. In the night we went to arestaurant to take dinner and then we returned to the hotel to dry our clothes and to take a break for sleeping.
today we woke up at 5:30am to take a shower and be preparated because we need to continue traveling through Virgina. After breakfast we started our travel another time.
Then of traveling for few moments, we stoped in some rest rooms of the roads. Were we saw a lot of squirrels and look for some maps because we were kind of getting lost another time.

then we kept driving over the road were we passed the Appalachians mountians over the border of North Carolina and virginia.We saw how the roads croos over the appalachians mountains dividing it in parts.
We stopped in a gas station were we met an american who showed us part of  an Elk and were we saw a little truck.

Then that we found a good way under the road we continued traveling and we passed through 2 big tunel below 2 mountains.

After we passed through all the beautiful mountains of the border we arrived to a restaurant were we stopped to lunch.After that we continues the travel and we arrived to Virginia.
after we arrived Virginia we went through Charleston,VA were we saw a lot of beautiful places and atractions.

Then we continued traveling and thanks to Gods power we arrived to our destination that was Vienna,VA. It took us a aproximate of 7 hours to get there.
When we arrived to Ohio Valley University , we were received by Makoto who is the admissions asistant. Then we met the vice president and we talked about careers, financial aids and requirements of the university. The we took a little tour over the campus.

Then we take dinner and we met our new good friend Caleb and here we are with him in his dormitory because we are going to sleep here. These was a long day so now we are going the sleep . Tomorrow it wolud be a great day bacause I am going to see my family that I hadnt see them like 7 years ago.

Thank You. God Bless You

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