miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

first day at US march 14, 2012

March 14, 2012
Today I woke up early in the morning. I left La Esperanza and arrived to San Pedro Sula. In all the way to the airport I was thinking that I couldnt believe that I was going to realize one of my big dreams, and it was  to visit The United States. Before the airplane start the flight, we met the pilot of the airplane. It was cool because he was a nice person with us and let us take a picture with them and the cabin.
 Then Marcos, Ezri, Dr. Troy, Jorge and me arrived the airplane and our travel started.While the airplane was traveling, we took pictures ate some snacks,talk and hear music. Marcos Jorge and me enjoyed a lot the flight because it was our first time in an airplane.

 When Marcos, Ezri, Dr. Troy, Jorge and me arrived to Atlantas airport,where we spent a long time so our documents could be checked.
After all that happened we took a train to the car rent service. We started to look for choices and the first car that we see was the car that we rent.It was a really nice car, it has a lot of space and it is also comfortable. We are going to raffle everyday the asignation of seats in the car and the person who goes infront with Dr.Troy, will be who guides him with the map. I was the first to done this job because a help Dr. Troy with the map for our first destination. When our travel in car started I was sit in the front of the car helping Dr. Troy with a map so I could guide him where to go in avery street. At the start it was difficult for me but when I started getting trust in me, I started to guide Dr. Troy to our destination. We were kind of lost for many times bacause we didnt know where to go.

We saw a lot of  interesting places while we were driving to Toccoa geargia.
We stop a few times and I asked in some stores for a direction of our destination but people didnt know what we were talking about. At 8.00 PM we went to dinner to a restaurant but it was so funny because instead of eating a dinner, we ate a breakfast for dinner. Then our trip continued going on. We took the car and started driving more until we got help and arrived to our destination that is Toccoa falls college in a town Toccoa that was near to Atlanta. When we arrived the university I saw how beautiful it was and then the admission director received us in a really gentle way. We met the soccer coach of the college and he told to us that he want to see how we play soccer. Then the college assigned us two dormitories a here we are trying to sleep so we could be prepared for tomorrow
Tomorrow will be a really good day because we are going to be looking around the college and talking to personal and maybe to some students of this beautiful college. I hope to write soon if God permits us to be with life and his protection.

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