jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

Asbury University and Huntington March23, 2012

Today it was a beautiful morning so we woke up early. We took our breakfast at the hotel. The only thing that I ate was milk and cereal. Then we took all our pertenences and put them in the car so we could continue our travel. During the travel we saw some beautiful buildings and interest things about some towns.
The administrator conselour was specting us on taylor University at which we arrived at 10:00am.
When we arrived to Taylor University we met Laura Armstrong who is in charge of the CRAM. I thought she was older but when I met her I coul aw that she is a really young and about 24 years old. Then we met the financial administrator who talked with us and show how financial aids can help us to be in college.
Then of meeting them we went to take a tour over the college campus. They have a really nice estructure building and with really nice objects as pictures and proyacts. We also received a T-shirt of the university and met some people knowing that there was no students in the campus because they are in spring break. We met the cafeteria, the administration office, the sports fields, the campus surroundings and some classes too.

After the tour we went to one of the most famous retaurants in Indiana Ivanhoes. It is really known because it has 100 of ice cream and they give a present to each person that eats from all the types. It was really funny bacause I ordered a banana split and it was so big that everybody was saying that I was not going to ate it at all and I didnt. It was a nice lunch we could have a good time with one of the admissions conselour.

Before leaving the university we went to see one of the new buildings that the university was doing. It was pretty fantastic because it will have more rooms for enginirings programs and students interaction with other classes like biology, chemistry and fisics.

Then we leaved the university and we received a call saying to us that we can go and visit another college near to taylor university so we decided to go. When we arrived to the Huntington university we met the Vice president of the program in which Dr. Troy is working on. When we were at the admission office we met 2 hondurians persons living in the college so we are going to stay with them this night.

This night we went to a Bowling and I didnt want to play but then I discovered that I can Because I beat Jorge, Ezri and Marcos. Then we return to the campus and our hondurians friends gave us something to eat.
 Well  This was a really good day. Good night to everybody. God bless you.

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